Digital Support Team Web • May 25, 2021

What Kind of Results Should One Expect from Strength Training

You can’t turn a camel into a race horse, no matter what kind of training program, nutritional plan, or how much desire the camel has in its quest to accomplish it. Genetics has the final say in this and genetics are totally determined and programmed at conception and can’t be altered or changed no matter what you do. However, good results can be obtained by just about anyone if the proper knowledge and application of that knowledge is applied.

To obtain the best results for muscle improvement in the shortest period of time, the exercise has to be intense (hard) in effort. If it’s not hard enough, the muscle has no reason to protect the body by increasing its strength which is the only thing that can be done to improve muscle. Also, the workout itself must be as brief as possible. The harder the exercise is the less exercise one can perform each workout. You can walk five miles a day, but let’s see you sprint five miles!

Too much exercise, when performed properly, will deplete the bodies limited amount of biochemical resources (recovery ability) making progress virtually impossible even though the muscles were exercised properly. We all have individual limits to tolerating high intensity exercise. This tolerance is based on the amount of effort (not amount of exercise) applied to each exercise. Our age, gender, hormones, genetics, and time or rest between workouts all have a major influence on the amount of proper exercise we can tolerate.

The very first thing the body attempts to do after exercise is recover from the exhausting effects of the workout. But total recovery of the muscles and the whole physical system takes time. Proper exercise can only stimulate the result, it can’t produce the result. It’s the body that actually produces the result, but only if given a sufficient amount of time to do so. Many individuals, personal trainers, and coaches are totally unconcerned or even aware of this physical occurrence which accounts for so many injuries, and slow or little results!

By Digital Support Team Web 25 May, 2021
All exercise must provide resistance and movement. The value of the exercise can be determined by the “quality” of the resistance and the “quality” of movement. The harder the resistance in an exercise becomes the more productive the exercise becomes for strength increasing purposes. Most people, however, confuse HARDER exercise with MORE exercise, which is a huge misconception. In a set of resistance exercises, if an individual is capable of performing ten properly executed repetitions with 100 pounds, and with the last repetition, the 10th repetition, being an all-out maximal effort repetition, the question arises, “Which repetition in that set of 10 repetitions is the most productive repetition? The first one or the last one?” Well, it’s obvious. The answer is the last one. Now, what is changing repetition by repetition that is making the exercise more productive? Is the resistance changing? No, it’s the same 100 pounds. Is the distance of movement changing? No, it is the exact same distance with every rep. The first thing that is changing repetition by repetition that is making the exercise more stimulating is the INTENSITY OF EFFORT being exerted. Replication by repetition the movement is getting progressively harder. The hardest rep, the most productive rep, is the very last rep that can barely be accomplished in good form. Now what if this same individual decided not to do the last repetitions. The 8th, 9th, and 10th reps, because it was getting harder, so they decided to make up for those last reps by doing two more sets using the same weight, but stopping the sets at 7 reps. Question: Would this increased volume of exercise (i.e., doing more exercise sets) make the exercise as stimulating and productive as doing only one set, but carrying that set to momentary muscular failure? The answer is No. The reason is that all muscles contract on an ALL or NOTHING basis, meaning that the whole muscle when called upon to move something does not contract in its entirety, but individual muscle fibers contract and only to the point of producing movement. So, the harder the exercise becomes, the more muscles fibers are called upon to contract to continue to product movement. If an individual did 20 sets of the same exercise with the same weight but stopped 2 to 3 reps sort of an all-out effort, the exercise would be greatly compromised in its stimulations. Also, the more work that is placed on the muscles and the entire physical system as a whole, the more energy is being consumed making the body much more exhausted. This reduces the body’s ability to recover after the exercise session has been completed. Regardless of how much muscular stimulation has been produced, if the body’s resources are not available for recovery, the individual cannot and will not improve. Even if the multiple sets of the same exercise were performed correctly, the physical system (systemic recovery) would be so exhausted from doing too much work that it could not positively respond. For strengthening purposes all anaerobic exercise protocols should be as HARD as possible and as BRIEF as possible. This protocol will work as many muscle fibers as possible while reducing the exhaustive demands of the exercises as on the body.
By Digital Support Team Web 25 May, 2021
QUESTION - What do all other personal trainers use to measure the ongoing results of their clients? NOTHING! It’s always speculative and emotional, “Well, I feel better!”, “I think it’s working", “My trainer is really nice", “I can really feel it." Without having SOMETHING DEFINITIVE to measure a client’s results or lack of results EVERY WORKOUT, no one can know WITH ANY CERTAINTY if their program is working or if it is a waste of time! ALL beneficial results that are attained through “proper” Progressive exercise are based solely on “strengthening!” You cannot increase bone density without strengthening the bones of your body! You cannot improve the tendons and ligaments of your body without strengthening them! You cannot improve your heart and lungs without strengthening your heart and lungs! You cannot firm, tone or improve in any way the muscles of your body without strengthening them! IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE! As a matter of fact, outside of cosmetic surgery, there are only two things that you or anyone else can do to change the appearance, mobility and functionality of the body. 1. You can Gain or Lose Fat 2. You can Gain or Lose Muscle However, within the confines of these two seemingly limiting factors, DRAMATIC RESULTS can be witnesses by almost anyone IF the PROPER exercise protocol is understood and applied. Over 95% of what is being promoted today through exercise infomercials, celebrity exercise videos, fitness magazines, extreme makeover shows, fitness centers and especially personal trainers IS NOT ONLY NON-PRODUCTIVE NONSENSE BUT IN MANY CASES IS OUTRIGHT DANGEROUS! DON’T BE MISLED! STOP BEING CONFUSED! THERE IS AN ABSOLUTE SCIENTIFIC REALITY TO DESIGNING A PROPER PROGRESSIVE EXERCISE PROTOCOL. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT THAT ALL MPT TRAINERS, REGARDLESS OF ANY PREVIOUS EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, BE EDUCATED, TRAINED AND CERTIFIED BY MY PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICANTION TRAINING PROGRAM CALLED B.O.S.S. B.O.S.S. ASSURES THAT ALL MPT CLIENTS RECEIVE THE MOST ACCURATE, NO NONSENSE, TRUTHFUL AND RESULTS PRODUCING EXERCISE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TODAY! SO, ARE ALL PERSONAL TRAINERS CREATED EQUAL? Once the physiological facts are clearly understood, the answer becomes very self-evident!
By Digital Support Team Web 25 May, 2021
Once you learn how to write your name, you’re not going to improve your handwriting or your spelling by writing your name over and over again. The same thing is true with exercise. You’re not going to continue to increase strength and improve your body while continually using the same weight in exactly the same amount of time each week. The body will only be stimulated to improve by placing a physical demand on it that it is not accustomed to doing. In order for an exercise to continually be productive (i.e., increase strength) it must continually be progressive in the intensity of effort being exerted. A woman over the years that participated in an aerobics type of dance class or similar program (and there has been scores of them under different names) regardless of the amount of time she has been doing it, be it only two weeks or two years, will have gotten the same exact physical benefit. Why? Because of the intensity of effort or stress that is being placed on her body IS ALWAYS THE SAME. If she has been doing it for two years, the actual benefits or improvement took place in the first two weeks, and the other one year, eleven months and fourteen days were just maintenance. NO ADDITIONAL IMRPOVEMENT!
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